Network Time Security: NTS articles overview

NTS series

NTP, the Network Time Protocol, is the way most computers and mobile devices obtain their time through. NTS (Network Time Security) is to NTP what HTTPS is to HTTP. It also is as easy to upgrade as upgrading to HTTPS is these days: No effort for the client, just adding a certificate for the server. More details in the following articles:

NTS Series

  1. Transparent, Trustworthy Time with NTP and NTS: A motivation and introduction. Also refers to a list of official, semi-official and community NTS servers.
  2. Configuring an NTS-capable NTP server: What to do and why.
  3. NTS and dynamic IP addresses: What to take care of when running an NTS server behind a dynamic IP address.
  4. Debugging NTS problems: Know-how and tools for detecting and fixing strange behavior.
  5. Automatically restarting chronyc after a certificate change.
  6. Public NTS server list [Added 2023-08-12]

Our public NTS+NTP servers

The above links point to information and statistics of the servers. Independent statistics are also provided by the NTP Pool project (production servers, closer test servers).

More time servers needed!

NTS is a relatively young protocol, with only a small selection of NTS-capable time servers currently available. If you are interested in reliable time, please consider upgrading your existing NTP time server to also support NTS. It would be great if official timekeeping sites, universities, and companies around the world would join, in addition to volunteers.

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