Year: 2016

  • Federated XMPP chat (and more) with Movim: A success story

    Federated XMPP chat (and more) with Movim: A success story

    There are many reasons to be unhappy with current social media sites and chat applications. For a long time, there was no viable alternative, especially not, if you wanted usability and integration. Now there is hope, with Movim.

  • DDoS: What we can do to prevent it

    DDoS: What we can do to prevent it

    Distributed Denial of Service, DDoS for short, is the shooting star in today’s Internet nightmare gallery. Here is a quick overview over what each and everyone of us can do to prevent his. And some hints at manufacturers and researchers.

  • One Page CV Template

    One Page CV Template

    One-Page CVs are a common way of getting attention. Services like allow you to create them online, even autofilling some information from your social network presences, if you want to. Using those online services is not always the best choice, as you might

  • XMPP: Chat with a Future

    XMPP: Chat with a Future

    XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol standardized by the IETF. This standard provides the framework for doing anything you want to do with chat, and more. Why is XMPP (formerly known as Jabber) not the mainstream chat protocol? Actually it is. It is the most secure messaging standard: battle-tested, independent, and privacy-focused. And…

  • User-Friendly, Versatile, and Efficient Multi-Link DNS Service Discovery

    User-Friendly, Versatile, and Efficient Multi-Link DNS Service Discovery
  • Interoperable Chat in Your Web Browser: JSXC 3.0 released

    Interoperable Chat in Your Web Browser: JSXC 3.0 released

    Open, standards-compliant and interoperable chat sounds like a boon. However, proprietary and closed systems (WhatsApp, Facebook chat, Google Hangouts, …) are often easier to deploy, as they are nicely integrated in existing ecosystems. The freshly-released JSXC 3.0 shows that this is not necessary.

  • pselect() Pitfalls

    pselect() Pitfalls

    When dealing with multiple network connections or timeouts, the select() Unix system call is still the workhorse for many applications. Its well-known and frequently used interface beats the learning curve on the more scalable poll(), epoll(), or /dev/poll interfaces, especially if only a few file descriptors have to be monitored. select()‘s younger sibling, pselect(), adds…