Tag: Timestamps

  • Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Blockchain

    Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Blockchain

    Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, Web3 and NFT are the talk of the town. Almost everyone has an opinion, but hardly anyone understands the foundations or relationships. The goal of this series, whose first part you are currently reading, is to provide a structured presentation of promises, the technology behind, and the reality. Using everyday analogies…

  • Bitcoin Block Timing Statistics

    Bitcoin Block Timing Statistics

    Bitcoin wants to be a universal payment means, providing rapid transactions. Here is an analysis on the blockchain timing, based on their timestamps.

  • Transparent, Trustworthy Time with NTP and NTS

    Transparent, Trustworthy Time with NTP and NTS

    «Time is Money», as the old adage says. Who controls the time, controls all kinds of operations and businesses around the world. And therefore, controls the world. Today, we all take accurate time for granted. Even though, today, it is delivered over the Internet mostly unsecured. But this is easy to change.

  • Generating Multi-Architecture Docker Images Made Easy

    Generating Multi-Architecture Docker Images Made Easy

    Docker is cool and portable, but distributing Dockerfiles comes at a disadvantage: The demands on the build environment are high. Distributing Docker images solves this, but building them for an architecture other than your CPU architecture seems complicated. Here is a simple solution.

  • A brief history of time(stamping)

    A brief history of time(stamping)

    When I tell people about timestamping, they often react with, “Ah, yes, that Blockchain thing”. However, timestamping is as old as civilisation and has some interesting properties it gains from non-Blockchain applications. So let’s go back a few millenia first.

  • Timestamping: Why should I care?

    Timestamping: Why should I care?

    Timestamping documents is the basis for many forms of trust and evidence. As such, it is a building block for contracts and agreements, and dispute resolution.