- vcard4-ts — vCard version 4 parsing, TypeScript-style (2021–): A new, developer-friendly, and type-safe approach at vCard parsing.
Timestamping with PGP and git
- zeitgitterd—Zeitgitter server (2019–): The distributed
– and OpenPGP-based timestamping service - git timestamp—Zeitgitter client (2019–): Timestamp to a
repository; verifiable with the nativegit
tools - autoblockchainify—Automatic Zeitgitter client (2020–): Automatically turn a directory into a timestamped blockchain
- PGP Digital Timestamper Timestamped Archive (2019–): Cross-timestamping and archiving the PGP Digital Timestamper (running since 1995!)
DNS (and git
- dnstemple—DNS TEMPLating Engine (2020–): Simplify, modularize and automate managing your DNS zone files
- drag—A lightweight webhook listener/process manager for Docker (2020–): Just prepend
to your docker command line and your image reacts to webhook requests.
- fake-super—Recover a
rsync --fake-super
backup without copying (2020–)
Software Security

- TLS Interposer: Upgrade OpenSSL security for legacy applications (2013–2015): How to enforce (security) parameters using
. Retired, as this is now no longer necessary.
Online Tool (not yet Open Source)
- SOGo autoconfigurator for iOS and OSX (2013–2014): Retired, please let me know if there is (again) demand for this.