Open Education Day 2017: Open Source Solutions for Schools
/ch/open invites to the Open Education Day: Saturday, 29 April 2017 in Windisch. We present JSXC, an easy way to extend any web application into a communications hub, e.g. for learning applications.
TimeMachine corruption: Use btrfs 🙂
I do run TimeMachine backups from my MacBook to my Linux server, which is very convenient. However, I sometimes close the MacBook while the backup is going on and walk away. I believe this is the cause for the TimeMachine corruptions that I have once in a while. Even though I tried fixing these TimeMachine…
Automatic SOGo configuration for iOS (iPhone/iPad) and MacOSX (and more)
Apple provides a lot of autoconfiguration for their groupware (Mail, Address Book/Contacts, iCal Calendar) on their Desktop OS X systems and their mobile devices. However, some of this autoconfiguration was there before there were agreed-upon standards, which especially plagues Contacts and Calendar when working with the excellent SOGo groupware. Especially the AddressBook on OS X…